Hell's Knights (The MC Sinners Series Book 1)

Hell's Knights (The MC Sinners Series Book 1)

Kindle Edition
18 Aug
Bella Jewel
Recommended for readers over 17+ Contains adult content.

A modern day biker romance.

Addison has had a hard life. Her mother is useless, and her father hasn't been in her life for years. When her mother dies, she's left with no money and an angry man after her. She goes to the only person she knows can take care of her right now - her father. She knows her father is the President of an MC club, but she doesn't quite realize just how much she will come to rely on that club.

Cade is everything she knows she should stay away from, and yet she can't seem to keep herself from wanting him. He's the club VP, gorgeous, rugged, charming and he makes her feel again. She should be running, she should be escaping the demons of her past, but instead she finds herself falling for the gorgeous biker.

Come on this whirlwind romance with two broken people, who figure out how to put each other back together.

Reviews (160)

4 Long Lost Biker Daddy Stars

Hell's Knights was a good read. Yesterday I read a different MC book by a different author and it came off cheesy and unbelievable. So I was a little worried starting a new MC series but I really enjoyed this book. I felt Bella Jewel walked that fine line between Bad biker but still kept it romantic. I liked both Cade and Addison. I felt they had a great connection. Cade came off sexy but rough around the edges. I liked that he was tough like a biker should be but didn't come off like a jerk that was unlikable. Addison was sassy, hard, and a fighter. I loved that she didn't take anyone's crap. She had a really hard life, and my heart bled for her. However there were a few times that she would do stupid stuff just to prove she could because "NO ONE CONTROLS HER"! Really stupid things like walk home alone in the dark, after her ol man and father told her it wasn't safe because they all knew a evil pimp was coming after her. She was totally adulting like a boss! Cade and Addison had some hot smexy time. Cade was a sexy beast and Addison was game for anything. Which made for wild times. I really liked Cade and Addison together. I also really loved Jackson, Addison's dad. I loved the plot of this book. I can't say this enough I hated Jasper(Addison's mom's pimp) and Addison's mom. I was so glad they both got what was coming to them. I know I'm bloodthirsty, but they were both pos and totally needed to feel pain. Overall I really enjoyed this book. I am looking forward to Jackson's book, but first I have to read Spikes and I am not really looking forward to Spikes book. I liked Spike but the whole dead wife and getting with said dead wife's sister drama doesn't sound like something I will care for. Also on another note I read this book & I listened to it on audiobook and the woman that read this book did the weirdest voice for Cade. She made his sound like a drunk southern colonel sanders lol it was weird!!!

This book was good in the beginning

A biker story. I was sold. Who wouldn't be? I just couldn't get into this one though. This book was good in the beginning. We learn about Addison. How tough her life has been. How alone she has been for so long, taking care of a POS mother and acting like that is her duty. She survived what would kill most young girls. I could relate to her on so many levels. I knew why she stayed. Knew why she kept helping her mom even though it was making her wither away. She felt stuck, and after years of s***, you begin to think that is all you deserve. You start believing everything your mother and her men tell you. That you are worthless, a whore just like her. But Addison finally found a way out. It wasn't an easy way, but she stepped up and took it. I felt for her, really did. Not many people know what it's like having to go through something like that, so it's hard to judge her for her choices. The way she got out, earned her an enemy. And he wanted payback. She ran to her brother and father, who are in an MC, of course. Then s*** started to go downhill for me real quick. Addison turned stupid. She ran her mouth off to the point where I wanted to bitch slap her a couple of good times. I can't stand self entitled bulls***. She really made me mad. Lol. You have someone after you, so you do the logical thing and ask for help. Given. When you ask for help and they agree, you take it and do as they say. No questions asked. YOU are the one who asked for help after all, right? NO. Not Addison. She is afraid, explaining to the MC how dangerous the pimp is, how much she thinks they are going to get hurt and that they shouldn't do it. They tell her she is to go no where without a body guard, someone from the club. Doesn't sound to hard right? It is for our Heroine. She says she doesn't need anyone watching after her. That she isn't afraid of anything and can take care of herself. Hold on. Wasn't it her asking for help 2 seconds ago? Contradicting and annoying ! Our Hero Cade is H.O.T. No doubt about that. He has the whole biker look down. The bad attitude, dirty talking and all. Wet dream really. He was able to shut Addison up from time to time, and that was refreshing. He wanted her. I just never really got a reason why. The relationship between them was hot and heavy, and began pretty quick. I just couldn't see why. She was annoying and never listened, but Cade loved her. Don't get it. Wish I did though. Addison says she loves how dominate Cade is, how he tells her like it is. Not many people do to her. But then she tells Cade she can take care of herself and won't do anything he says. She is just so back and forth. It was too much for me to accept. You can talk all the bad talk you want. Cuss like you are a badass, walk around like no one can touch you. But when you make the same stupid mistakes over and over, how are people supposed to buy into the tough girl act? She just came across as stupid most of the time. Running her mouth off to anyone within ear shot, even the club. Didn't work. Every time I thought she was getting with it, she makes another dumb mistake. The mistake was really stupid. All she had to do was follow a simple order. Ride with someone to work. Don't go anywhere alone. She was never able to do that, no matter how many times it came back to bite her in the ass. She spoiled the story for me personally, as you can most likely tell from my rant. Lol. The ending, to me, just wan't enough. If you like biker stories and don't mind a TSTL Heroine, try this one out. I am going to read the next one though. I just hope it is better than the first.

CADE made this book worth reading!

I'm pretty sure if you look up the definition of "STUPID" in any fictional English dictionary you will have a lovely picture of this Addison character in there! The heroine (Addison) has got to be the most stupid person I have ever read about. Not only does she disregard her own safety by not listening to simple instructions, she puts the safety of others at risk too. Too dame stubborn to take instructions to stay put or not to go anywhere without an escort, she's just an open book of STUPID! The heroine is on the run after witnessing the death of her mother and shooting her mothers pimp (that story I found hilarious!) takes coverage at her father's biker community. It is there that she meets the Hero - Cade. Cade is one hot Alpha, possessive and very yummy Man who falls hard and fast for the heroine. When Addisons past comes back to haunt her, it is Cade and her father that runs the rescue, but in order to keep her safe, all she has to do is... LISTEN and DO AS SHES TOLD! Two simple steps to keep her safe. But nooo, what does little miss drama queen do.. she disobeys everything which eventually gets her into trouble. After she endures her stupidity, I sincerely hope that she's learnt her lesson. It has a lovely little epilogue afterwards which was a bonus. The plot was good, the way the characters were developed was great... even though the heroine came off as just plain old stupid to me - the rest of the characters was very well written. If anything, I think the only thing that kept me reading this book was Cade!! MORE CADE PLEASE!!! :)

2.5 stars

Maybe 2.5 stars since the beginning kept me reading on. But the last half flops to a 2. Ok, so I saw a book on Amazon that everyone was reeling over being a rip off of this book. Which I think is what sparked my attention to read this one instead of the other one. It got high ratings. I got this as a freebie and so glad I did because if I paid money for it I'd feel like a sucker. The plot is typical of all biker books. Addison's back story in this one is tragic, but I almost can not feel for her. I had no connection to any of the characters. I couldn't get myself to feel strongly one way or the other for any of them. Some of the dialogue pained me to read. Like,"We'd love to tango." Really? Who says that outside a 1980's action movie? Most of it felt forced. It didn't have an easy flow. Once in a while something would get a chuckle out of me or touch me, but the moments were rare. I no longer expect a lot out of the books I read since a lot lately are indie authors/self published. I have found some gems out there, but they are not the majority. I had to learn to lower the bar by which I judge all books. By that new standard, this book is ok, but just ok. If the rest of the series was free, I would consider reading it. But it would still be far down my TBR list. In the beginning, I found myself drawn to read this even tho I didn't find it to be that great. But by 70% I just wanted to get through it as another book was calling to me. I have a thing about not finishing a book I start, so rarely do I shelve one as DNF.


This is one hot book. It chronicles the end of one life, and the beginning of another, for the heroine, Addison. Told in flipping viewpoints, Hell's Knights is the story of a broken woman who comes to live with her father when the world as she knows it has to end. She falls for a man with almost as much pain in his life. From there, the author takes us through their struggles to find trust in each other, and to figure out what love is. The book contains a lot of cuss words, and covers a lot of very blatant sex, some of it violent. Although the bikers are supposed to be angered by the rape of the heroine by the villain, it is very easy to imagine them doing the same thing. Their treatment of women, while it may reflect reality, is vulgar and condescending. This is a major problem for me, as I think that the more the heroes in stories act like jerks, the more men, and women, think that behavior is okay. Otherwise, this is a good book. I can recommend it to people who can handle darkness, but I recommend that people who like things pleasant avoid it.

Not Enough

OMG I LOVED this book! I couldn't put it down and read it in one sitting! The biggest disappointment was when I got to the epilogue and realised it was over and it just wasn't enough, I wanted more! It was obvious that Spike and Ciara were going to get the next story but I was wrapped when this ended and it confirmed it and said September. I love not having to wait long for sequels! This book just wasn't enough and i can't wait for more!! The only thing that really bothered me during this story was Addison's defiance. I hate girls that just don't listen when they know they're in danger and they do it to prove a point. What's the point? How dumb you are? I love strong female characters but being that defiant is actually quite weak and I find it quite the turn off. I also thought the ending was a bit rushed after it ended so quick after the incident. Sometimes I feel like the authors rush the end to get it over with and published as I'm sure they've worked on it for so long but then your only left remembering the rushed ending. This is one I will definitely read over again and I can't wait for Spike's story!!

New Favorite! Cade is Everything!

I have seen this book around for awhile and put it off time and time again. What was I thinking? I loved this story and Cade as become my new favorite book boyfriend. The story was sweet, bold, dark, tragic, redemptive and HOT! Addison had such a tragic beginning to life, but she did what she had to do to survive and became a bad a#% and beautiful woman. I have much respect for her. Cade is the perfect alpha biker male. I loved his hardness and those small glimpses into his sweetness. Some of his lines made me swoon and laugh, it was a great way to lighten the darkness a little. There was not a character in this story that I did not love... okay maybe Brittney and Jasper, but they got their come-upins. I want more Spike, so I will be one-clicking book two, Heaven's Sinners next. Once I started I could not put it down. I will be reading the rest of this series and much more from this author. It was an amazing story that will stick with me for awhile. Highly recommended if you like darker MC reads!!

Fast paced biker read

This book: 1. Held me captive the whole way through. 2. Was a fast paced book. 3. Made me love the characters: Spike and Ciara. 4. Love the relationship Jackson started to form with Addison. 5. Made me like how Cade claimed Addison. 6. Ended up being perfect for my short attention span and what I needed in the way of reading. 7. Had a bit of humor in it at times. 8. Can be read super fast in one sitting. Addison is being raised by a whore of a mother in a bad area and her life is definitely not good. The mother's pimp is horrible and does horrible things to her and keeps her and her mother under his controlling thumb. Unfortunate circumstances happen and she's able to get free and runs to a father she hasn't seen since she was 4 years of age. She's mighty ticked and can't trust anyone. Going to her father, Jackson, is where she meets Cade. Cade is the VP of Hell's Knights MC. He's got his own demons to wrestle with and a delusional "sweet butt", Britney, who wants to be his ol' lady. Too bad he doesn't feel the same way. Then in walks Addison and everything changes for him. He wants to protect Addison at all costs even if he is all bossy/Alpha about it. However, Addison is tired of being controlled and thinks she can take care of her self. She makes 3 unwise decisions in this book and one of those decisions puts her back in to the clutches of her mom's pimp. During the time Addison is with her dad, they grow a bond between them and she and Cade grow a fast love connection. She meets Spike, who has his head full of demons, and Ciara. I really loved the friendship we briefly see her start with Ciara and Spike. Thankfully we don't have to deal with cheating in this book from Cade as once he gets his ol' lady, no other woman becomes between them. Although, Britney isn't done trying to get Cade back at all costs. Even though I didn't feel this was a strong MC book, as far as a story line went, I was still held captive by it the entire time. I also question how the heck Spike, Cade and Jackson knew where Jasper had taken Addison. That part is never fleshed out so the reader is left to wonder on that tidbit. Content: violence, drinking, drugs, sexual situations.

I had this on my shelf for awhile and it is another one of those that I scratch my head and wonder why I didn't read soon

Addison is twenty one, lived through a hellish life and has a huge chip on her shoulder. Her mother is dead and she is on the run, she runs to the only place that may offer a temporary respite from the hell she is living in, her father. She has not seen the man since he walked out on her at age four and is not going to back down to the MC President, even if others do. However all is not what it seems about her past and Addison is not sure where to put her father when it comes to what she plans to do next to restart her life. As if the confusion of her past is not enough she has caught the eye of MC VP Cade. He has known from the first moment he laid eyes on her that he plans to have her, but Addison is fighting a haunted past that has her pushing everyone of his boundaries. They share something no one else could relate too, can they weather the incoming storm heading their way? I had this on my shelf for awhile and it is another one of those that I scratch my head and wonder why I didn't read sooner. Once you start pick a comfy spot because you wont be moving until the very end. Addison is a tough character you want to coddle her, but you also want to throttle her at times. Given her background you get it, she lashes out and is in pure survival mode. Cade puts up with it to a point but he draws lines on how far he will let her push. THe chemistry is electric and I loved her dad. He is hard, burly, and yet a tad bit vulnerable which is unique for his type of character. Absolutely will pick up the rest of the series.


** Note: I did have to remove certain words in my review before Amazon would post it =) Hell's Knight wasn't on my radar at all but I saw it recommended in a Goodreads groups yesterday. I should go ahead and admit that a romance book with a Motorcycle Club are pretty much auto-buys for me...Motorcycle Man, Reaper's Property, and Undeniable are some of my favorite books! So after reading the blurb for Hell's Knight and with little else to go on since the book was just released, I was totally in. Hell's Knight tells the story of Addison, a street smart, damaged young woman who has fought to stay alive while living with her mother who was a prostitute. She spent her life surrounded by drugs and violence and paralyzed with the fear that she would end up with nothing and no one and be forced to live on the streets. After her mother over doses and dies, Addison travels to stay with her father, a man she's never known. There among the bikers that make up her father's Motorcycle Club she meets Cade. She's all kind of sassy. He's all kind of crude. And together the sparks fly. "You're the kind of girl that makes a man want to stop what he's doing, just so he can get a moment to look at that angelic face- a face that will keep him awake for the rest of his _______ life. That's the kind of girl you are, sugar." "You're mine. You can argue that, you can run, you can play games, but in the end, the result is the same. I won't be lettin' you go anytime soon." Cade's pretty irresistible but both Addison and Cade have issues to work through, both are hiding secrets in their pasts. Addison has been less than honest about her circumstances and what she left behind when her mother died. Cade senses Addison's running from something but he doesn't know the full story of what she left behind. "I know what you went through, was all kinds of ________ed up, and one day maybe you'll tell me about it, just like maybe I'll tell you. If you wanna tell me bits, the lot, or none, that's up to you. I ain't ever gonna push, just like I'm never gonna judge. Your life was bad; I see it in your eyes. When you grin, you face is empty, and I have no doubt when you smile, your eyes won't shine like they should. One day though, baby, I will make them shine." I wish Goodreads gave an option for half stars. This would be a 3.5 for me. Overall, the characters and story aren't developed enough to make this a great book. The characters were a little one dimensional and I would have liked to seen just "more". That being said, the sex is pretty hot. As in, I had to read one part two times to figure out where Cade was putting her ankles and where that put her mouth. You get the picture. And even though there were some typos and editing issues, knowing that this is the author's debut novel makes me excited to read the next book in the series. So even though this book wasn't great, it was definitely enjoyable. And just being a little over 200 pages, this is a quick read that gave me a little bit of what I was wanting: a bossy biker, some dirty sex, and a happy ending. "I meet his gaze and for a long moment, we just lock eyes. Happy. Content. That's what we are right now. He picked up my pieces and put me back together, even when I thought no glue would hold. Turns out Cade was my glue, and in a sense, I think I am his."

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