Daily Capricorn Horoscope July 06 (06/07)


Dec 22 − Jan 19

Alias: Alias: The Goat

July 06


daily capricorn horoscope:

summary capricorn daily

Star 9/10

Your medium to long-term future and security could be receiving significantly more focus now. At least one situation or arrangement in your world that offers little in the way of support or stability doesnt need to continue as it is. Dont be fearful of exploring new options and new territory where enhancing your future stability is concerned. You could be amazed at how much progress gets made in such a short space of time.


summary capricorn tomorrow

Star 9/10

You might be increasingly aware of how limitations exist where your investment of effort in a particular area is concerned. It might be difficult to admit you are able to do only what youre able to do and no more. As much as you might wish you had more time, skills or expertise in some way, any shortfall is nothing to be embarrassed about. The sooner you convey this to a certain person, the sooner theyll become less demanding.


summary capricorn weekly

Star 7/10

It wasnt meant to be. Such words are rarely a comfort to anyone. Now, please let me make clear the sky doesnt imply this week youll necessarily have a reason to be regretful or resentful. It does, however, suggest you could take realistic stock of a situation or arrangement that isnt panning out in ways you thought it might. If you want it to continue, then a modification to the plan will be necessary but if you decide its no longer worth pursuing, then a reassuring sense of liberation will be felt.


summary capricorn monthly

Star 10/10

The cosmos appears keen to encourage you to consider a new or possibly second income stream and you can bring a greater sense of financial stability and security by applying your talents in new ways. Its the Full Moon in your sign on the 9th that brings much-needed clarity where releasing someone or something holding you back and delaying progress is concerned. Its time to break free from a hindrance or drain on your efforts and resources. One commitment near month end might make a dent in your bank balance but any worry will be short-lived.


health capricorn daily

Star 10/10

Your ideals will feel especially sensitive to you today. You may sympathize with others more than you normally do, but be careful that you don\t get caught up in the role of champion for others. That is a noble sentiment, but you need to stay focused on yourself right now, and this will take some committed effort. Go for a run with a friend and discuss issues that concern you. The increased oxygen intake will settle your mind.


health capricorn tomorrow

Star 10/10

If you followed yesterday\s advice, you will perhaps feel the benefit of maintaining your personal energy within yourself - not giving it out to other people or situations. Building further on this, try staying focused on your breath today. Exercise, and eat your meals slowly and deliberately so that your breath remains the priority in all that you do. The rhythm of your breathing is the guiding pulse to maintaining positive energy. Doing what\s right for yourself is not always easy. Stay focused.


health capricorn weekly

Star 10/10

Your mind seems to be very malleable right now. It\s like a clean sheet of paper ready for a drawing. This is a good time to observe the way you talk to yourself and see how much of it is positive or negative. Are most of your thoughts uplifting or draining? If you can change your thinking, you\ll automatically begin to feel physically and mentally better. Keep it up!


health capricorn monthly

Star 9/10

If the tendency over recent weeks has been to enjoy yourself to the max, then the coming weeks could see you taking a more disciplined approach to clean living. But with Venus moving into your lifestyle sector, on July 4, you might want to do this with others. Inviting friends to join you on jogs or perhaps to cook healthier foods can keep you on track. If youre eager to get fit and toned, it might also be because a key relationship demands it. If youre newly in love, its only natural to want to look and feel your best.


love capricorn daily

Star 8/10

The current astral energy is perfect for enjoying a great night out with someone special. If they like dressing up as much as you do, then you can have a lot of fun together choosing what you will wear and what accessories go with your outfits. This is one occasion where you choose your clothes and then decide where best to show them off.


love capricorn tomorrow

Star 9/10

You don\t generally like to question things too closely, in case you notice a flaw that could mar a seemingly perfect situation. However, the current astral configuration may cause you to have some thoughts about your latest relationship, and whether it is actually good for you or not. If you are beginning to notice cracks in the wallpaper, there is no point in covering them up.


love capricorn weekly

Star 10/10

Theres no denying that your past loves have a lot to do with the person you are now, so why avoid thinking about them? The start of the week is the perfect time to browse through old photos and think about the good times. There are a lot of team-building exercises to participate in over the weekend, and sharing an experience with a sexy stranger can be intriguing. Why not see where it leads?


love capricorn monthly

Star 9/10

A Capricorn Full Moon on July 9 puts a serious focus on your love life. Now that one phase has ended, youre free to set new (and preferably long-term) goals. Powerful Mars enters extroverted Leo on July 20, meaning passion and a desire for adventurous affairs drive the next six weeks. You can never let yourself act completely without thinking, but youre less prone to fussing over the details. You take your time communicating when Mercury enters earthy Virgo on July 25. Youd rather take an hour to respond to a text than hit send prematurely. Messages full of spelling and grammar errors are unacceptable.


career capricorn daily

Star 10/10

A perpetual argument that you have with a coworker is likely to flair up today. There is a fundamental issue between you that needs to be addressed. You must not continue to ignore it any longer. Now is the time to make peace.


career capricorn tomorrow

Star 9/10

Use your imagination. The more creative you are, the better. Your ideas may seem rather unorthodox, but this doesn\t mean that they hold no merit. Your innovative approach to an old problem is likely to propel you miles ahead of the competition.


career capricorn weekly

Star 9/10

You can be feeling rather restless now. If you don\t make exercise a regular part of your work life, now is the time to start. This may not seem like something important for your career, but it\s a vital part of feeling and doing your best. You may have to be a bit more sensitive to people who are more emotionally vulnerable than you. A thoughtless word could cause an unwelcome setback.


career capricorn monthly

Star 7/10

You could rise to the top of your profession in early July. The days around July 9 could mark a celebration in your honor. Get ready for your closeup! If youre leaving a position youve held for years, dont be too quick to move into a new role. You will fare better if you take some time to reflect on where you would like to be in the next year. On July 23, you could receive a handsome bonus or dividend for a job well done. Use this money to go on a luxurious vacation at the end of the month. You have earned it!



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