Daily Sagittarius Horoscope July 02 (02/07)


Now 22 − Dec 21

Alias: Alias: The Archer

July 02


daily sagittarius horoscope:

summary sagittarius daily

Star 10/10

A word of advice or unexpected show of support for a particular person could be just the shot in the arm you need to summon energy and enthusiasm in a particular way. Even if youve doubted your abilities in a particular area, it appears a certain person has absolute faith in your ability to make something happen. You can believe they are right to think such a way, too!


summary sagittarius tomorrow

Star 8/10

Were unhappiest with others when were unhappy within ourselves and you could bear the brunt of certain others unhappiness or frustrations now. Try not to take this personally as it is possible others are frustrated with a bigger picture that you form a part of rather than being integral to it. By being detached and remaining upbeat, you could be the positive influence at least one person needs.


summary sagittarius weekly

Star 9/10

Praise, we know, isnt always as forthcoming as we wish it was. So much in life relies on us asking someone for something, them delivering it in an expected way and us moving on to something else. Of course, that changes when we believe we have a valid reason to complain but the point is, when something is done right or meets expectations, nothing gets said. This week, the fact that silence might be replacing praise you wish to receive means youre doing something very right!


summary sagittarius monthly

Star 10/10

Venus brings a greater sense of peace and harmony to relationships this month and possibly one in particular. If tension has existed between you and a certain person recently, then coming weeks could see this replaced with comfort and cooperation. A Full Moon on the 9th could bring a need to reassess something connected with your income and as one door closes, be prepared for another to open. You might need to be a bit more daring and imaginative where applying your talents is concerned and a course or training opportunity at month end might help with this!


health sagittarius daily

Star 9/10

The truth is very likely that you would rather not be here, but some place else! Your adventuropus nature makes you want to travel to the outer reaches of the universe. Health practices such as yoga and meditation can assist you in finding peace. Your dietary concerns should focus on getting you grounded. A healthy immune system will prevent weakness. Thus, apart from drinking a lot of water, consuming fresh lemon juice and echinacea is recommended.


health sagittarius tomorrow

Star 7/10

An excellent planetary aspect is occurring that elevates your emotional world to the height of the mountaintop. Looking at your emotions with perspective is a healthy practice that bolsters self-confidence. Consciously creating this perspective on a regular basis is the goal of yoga. Finding the right school of yoga and your favorite studio might be your goal this season. The lymphatic system that controls our immune system is also greatly helped by yoga.


health sagittarius weekly

Star 10/10

Think about getting involved in competitive sports. You\ll enjoy the social life that goes with them while exercising and having fun. If you love golf, basketball, or soccer, look for a group. You might find it particularly rewarding to coach, if you have that skill. You need plenty of physical exercise, and that would be one way to get it.


health sagittarius monthly

Star 10/10

The ongoing focus on a deeper sector of your chart could encourage transformation on an inner level by releasing any toxic emotions. The first three weeks of this month can be ideal for practicing letting go, so aspects of your health can then begin to improve. As Venus, your wellness planet, moves into your sector of relating, you may also find that being with good friends is the perfect tonic for you. Surrounding yourself with positive people may give you the boost you need. Joining a health club could also keep you on track regarding your fitness level.


love sagittarius daily

Star 8/10

Today\s celestial energy gives you the necessary faith and confidence to talk to someone who, up until now, you may have felt was way out of your league. This was from your perspective, as you had put them up on a pedestal. Today you could find out that they feel much the same way about way you, and are glad that you have finally gotten in touch.


love sagittarius tomorrow

Star 10/10

Today\s aspect at play may mean that a certain date starts out on a serious note, but don\t let this put you off the rest of the evening. It could be that you both need to air certain issues, not necessarily connected with your relationship, but with life in general. Once you realize that you can both trust each other, you will have a ball.


love sagittarius weekly

Star 10/10

Your perfect match at the start of the week is someone you can laugh and joke around with. The more serious someone is, the less you want to be around the person. It\s hard to talk about relationship issues with someone who only wants to argue over the weekend, so try to avoid touchy or taboo topics on a first date. Politics and religion are both conversations for at least the third date (or later).


love sagittarius monthly

Star 8/10

At the Sun/Jupiter square on July 5, the key is doing a little less than you feel like doing. This aspect can lead to overconfidence, which could cause you to strive for a higher goal than is obtainable. Venus squares Neptune on July 17, this time causing the opposite lack of self-belief! Second-guessing yourself when it comes to romance is a no-go, so wait to ask anyone out until youre feeling more like yourself. You make your presence known during the Sun/Mars conjunction in Leo on July 26, so your invitations arent likely to be ignored. Taking a dignified, honorable approach to love is favored.


career sagittarius daily

Star 10/10

Someone in your workplace is being a show-off. He or she is over-confident and is using this arrogance to boss others around and call the shots. Your best strategy for today is to avoid this person\s influence. Focus on yourself and your own job.


career sagittarius tomorrow

Star 7/10

Unexpected information will come from a co-worker today. Pay attention to this little tidbit of knowledge. The tips you learn on the job right now will help you tremendously when you decide to move on to something new or spread your own wings.


career sagittarius weekly

Star 7/10

You may be juggling multiple commitments early this month. Your ability to explain complicated matters in a clear, understandable way will win points. This time is lucky for any sort of start. Social contacts made now can help your career prospects. If you\ve wanted to start out on your own, this is an excellent time to research a business plan or potential startup funding. It\s a good time to apply for something new or better. Be sure you have all the facts before making any presentation or arguing a particular position.


career sagittarius monthly

Star 7/10

A handsome payment could arrive in the days around July 9. It feels wonderful to reap the benefits of your hard work. Use some of the income to raise your professional profile. Whether that means launching your own website or upgrading your computer or phone is immaterial. The important thing is to invest in your career success. You could land an overseas client on July 23. Maintaining this relationship will require effort on your part. Learn as much as you can about this customers culture. This knowledge will prove helpful when negotiating future deals and expanding your association.



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