Daily Virgo Horoscope July 13 (13/07)


Aug 23 − Sep 22

Alias: Alias: The Virgin

July 13


daily virgo horoscope:

summary virgo daily

Star 8/10

You might understandably believe you have nothing left to contribute or offer solution-wise to an ongoing dispute or drama. Youve stated your case and believe that any further discussion will result only in exchanges going round in circles. You could discover youre better placed to walk away from this situation then you believe yourself to be.


summary virgo tomorrow

Star 10/10

It might be easy to allow a certain process or arrangement to continue as it is because youre not sure where youd end up if it did come to a halt either of its own accord or through you deciding enough is enough. Dont let fear of the future cause you to remain in an arrangement that doesnt suit you. A brave step taken now might be both timely and necessary.


summary virgo weekly

Star 9/10

Even when we find our trust has been misplaced, that doesnt mean were untrusting forever. One breach neednt mean weve learned a lesson that causes us to refrain from being trusting ever again. You might have felt you were let down or disappointed recently by someone whom you expected more support from. The coming week could highlight how a situation was beyond their control in some way but a chance exists for trust in them to be restored.


summary virgo monthly

Star 10/10

Career matters receive a fantastic cosmic nudge this month and if youve felt undervalued in the workplace or an authority figure hasnt recognized your talents and abilities, then that could change during coming weeks. Its also very much within your ability to negotiate a better deal or package work-wise. The Full Moon on the 9th could demand more energy than you might feel able to give where a certain involvement is concerned - and you might need to reassess where certain loyalties lie.


health virgo daily

Star 8/10

Blocks and obstacles will undoutbtedly arise when you take a new path, but don\t be discouraged. When your intentions meet with resistance, just acknowledge your disappointment and form new intentions. If, for example, you are unable to prepare a healthy meal for yourself, and you eat something sub-standard, with regret ruining your meal, all is not lost! Take the time for a hot soak with a few drops of lavender oil. (Consider getting some lavender oil into the house for days like this!)


health virgo tomorrow

Star 9/10

Trying new things often improves our quality of life. Europe lived without tomatoes until the 1500s when they were brought over by travelers from the \"New World\" (it was new to the travelers)! Consider opening up to new forms of relaxation in order to aid in your capacity to reflect on old patterns and welcome in the new. Yoga and Pilates are wonderful ways to strengthen the lower spine. Meditation can help as well. It also would be wise to limit your intake of alcohol during this time.


health virgo weekly

Star 8/10

The cosmos brings everything into the open, including symptoms that may have lain dormant. If your health appears to be suffering, get checked out for peace of mind and then take the chance to relax. Refuse to be stressed by the inevitable challenges that come your way. Enjoy a long soak in the bath. You\ll be back on track in a few days.


health virgo monthly

Star 9/10

This month has two phases. The first could involve a lot of socializing and interactions. Should you find yourself burning the candle at both ends, it might be helpful to adopt a few tips to stay energized. Drinking plenty of water and less caffeine and alcohol will help you to feel refreshed and less restless. Making sure you get a good nights sleep two or three evenings a week can enable you to party hard on the weekend. The second phase kicks in on July 20, when the cosmos encourages you to take long breaks so you can completely relax and recharge.


love virgo daily

Star 8/10

The current aspect at play gives you an opportunity to see someone close to you in a new light. The only problem is that you may have to adjust your former ideas about them, as these now prove to be something of an illusion. This brings you nearer in one way, and yet in another creates more distance. By talking, you will once again meet on common ground.


love virgo tomorrow

Star 9/10

Today\s astral energy may mean that someone decides to take the first step toward getting to know you much more deeply and intimately. They may ask you out to dinner, or out to a show, but it is not so much where you both go that counts, but the magic that seems to run throughout the occasion. You will both be thrilled to have gotten together at last.


love virgo weekly

Star 9/10

Are you getting tired of doing all the same things and seeing the same results? The start of the week is the time to shake things up. Try a different dating routine to breathe some magic into your love life. Youre tempted to act spontaneously over the weekend, but making plans ahead of time would be a better option. Playing it by ear just isnt your thing.


love virgo monthly

Star 8/10

Love is a concept that goes beyond sex and romance during the Sun/Neptune trine on July 5. You see being in a relationship as the ultimate display of devotion and respect, and you arent about to settle for anyone other than your perfect soul mate. The Sun enters Leo on July 22, giving you the confidence to approach people youve felt were out of your league. Its a whole different feeling when the answer is yes! Mercury enters your sign on July 25, giving you the benefit of logical, organized communication. Your flirting techniques might not be the sexiest, but they get the job done.


career virgo daily

Star 9/10

People who may have disagreed with you in the past are coming around and understanding your side of the equation more clearly. With more people on your side, you are likely to be even more productive in the workplace today. You are going strong.


career virgo tomorrow

Star 9/10

Your inventive mind is working overtime today. This is one of those days in which you have the ability to make major breakthroughs in a project you have been working on. You are likely to come up with a brilliant idea worthy of a patent.


career virgo weekly

Star 7/10

You\re likely to be feeling particularly optimistic. This is a lucky time for creative work, education, and travel to help your career interests. If you\re looking for something new, don\t be afraid to network in unusual places. This period is lucky for seminars or working with progressive groups. Volunteer efforts can lead to vocational opportunities. This is a great time to mix business and social service interests for the greater good of the community.


career virgo monthly

Star 7/10

A professional gamble could pay off around July 9. It would be wise to venture out of your comfort zone at the start of July. Taking a bold risk could yield an impressive payment. It will also earn the respect of both superiors and peers. If you win a prize, make sure to display it in a prominent place. Your confidence will soar every time you catch sight of it. A chance to work behind the scenes could arrive in the days around July 23. Being able to develop a creative project in secret will bring out the best in you.



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