Daily Leo Horoscope August 10 (10/08)


July 23 − Aug 22

Alias: Alias: The Lion

August 10


daily leo horoscope:

summary leo daily

Star 9/10

Your rigid belief that a conversation or exchange has to happen between you and a certain person could cause you to be unconcerned about whether or not feelings get hurt in the process. You appear intent on ensuring someone hears what you have to say and could make it very obvious that you dont have any interest in their opinion. Your position isnt as strong as you might believe it to be. Youd be well advised to allow someone a chance to have their say once youve had yours.


summary leo tomorrow

Star 7/10

It can be difficult to know how to balance logic with emotions as a situation demands that you see it in the sensible, pragmatic light it needs to be seen in yet you cant help but feel an emotional response to it. It might seem more appropriate to tip the balance in favor of seeing a situation or development in the coldest, most realistic way but you owe it to yourself to ensure emotions arent kept at bay. Youre entitled to feel what you feel. Dont deny yourself that.


summary leo weekly

Star 10/10

A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse brings change to a relationship or commitment. This is probably change youve been aware has been coming for some time so hopefully it wont come as a complete shock or surprise. That doesnt mean there wont be some adjusting and compromising needed on your part, though. You might have to be more accepting of a position youre being put in than youd prefer to be. However, an accompanying sense of relief and release will make up for this.


summary leo monthly

Star 8/10

A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 7th brings closure to a relationship or commitment but marks the start of a new beginning. Some Leos will decide one relationship has run its course; others will seize an opportunity to deepen an involvement. Your relationship with a certain individual is about to be seen in a realistic light, warts and all. A New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo on the 21st offers you a fantastic chance to embark upon achieving a long-held ambition. You have the cosmic equivalent of a green light, so decide what you want and make an effort achieve it. The universe is on your side!


health leo daily

Star 8/10

Busy times can be distracting, so take care to slow down your mind when you are making decisions. Concentrate on pacing yourself while things around you speed up. To help stay grounded in your emotions, try taking a yoga class twice a week. Focus on breathing deeply, expanding your lungs with the regular breaths and stimulating the circulation of fresh blood to your vital organs. This kind of TLC will make you feel and look radiant at any time.


health leo tomorrow

Star 10/10

You are a compassionate friend who understands what another is feeling almost without words. Whatever you feel another person is burdened with, check with yourself to see if you might be feeling a bit similar. Although you sometimes have a tendency to hide your own feelings when someone else \"reflects\" those feelings to you, you suddenly understand. To get more in touch with your feelings, you may want to start a practice in the martial arts, which value patience and self-awareness as well as physical strength.


health leo weekly

Star 9/10

It helps to have a strategy in place so you can stay on track with your health. You may often have big ideas about what you want to achieve regarding your well-being. You\ll find it easier if you take regular baby steps rather than try to reach your goals in record time. You want to feel great, not grow discouraged.


health leo monthly

Star 10/10

If youve stuck with certain health routines, it could be difficult to change. But this is the choice you may face, especially early in the month when the benefits of new health habits might appeal to you. It would be too much to expect you to alter your ways overnight, so consider lowering your expectations. Set small goals for yourself that you can accomplish and gradually increase over the weeks and months ahead. If you want to see a revolution in your health, it doesnt need to happen in a day. By far the best way is to pace yourself.


love leo daily

Star 7/10

How many times can you keep falling in love and then fall out again? The problem is that you have difficulty in committing yourself. You are often in the relationship, but not truly present. Today if you fall in love again, just ask yourself before it all ends in tears how far it can go. If it looks really promising - be courageous and go ahead.


love leo tomorrow

Star 10/10

You may not wish to admit to defeat of any kind today until you have left no stone unturned, and tried every way possible to make your romantic dreams come true. With today\s planetary alignment, there is potentially an endless amount of energy for you to engage. But it is not necessary to use it like a battering ram. Instead, try taking a more philosophical and relaxed attitude.


love leo weekly

Star 8/10

You have a strong personality, and your perfect match at the beginning of the week is someone who wont challenge it too much. Thats not to say you should find someone you can walk all over, but you fare much better with a partner whos content to let you have the spotlight. The weekend is a good time to use your considerable romantic experience to your advantage, because a potential partner may like being pursued. Pull out all the stops.


love leo monthly

Star 8/10

A delightful Venus-Neptune trine on August 12 reminds you that love is grand. You dont have any complaints, and you enjoy every moment youre able to spend getting to know someone new. The spell is broken by the serious nature of the Mars-Saturn trine on August 22, but not in an entirely negative way. Just because its time to get down to business and focus on fixing a romance-related problem doesnt mean the mood has to be humorless or somber. Mercury backs into Leo on August 26, so watch your filter. Saying everything that pops into your head to a date isnt conducive to a good time.


career leo daily

Star 10/10

Don\t let your entrepreneurial spirit lose steam. It is possible that larger issues overshadow your plans, but this is no reason to let go of your goals. Keep your dreams alive, even if this means putting them on the back burner at this time.


career leo tomorrow

Star 8/10

You are likely to get impatient today with those who don\t have it together. Your tendency is to judge them harshly and spend more time criticizing them than actually dealing with your own personal workload. Concentrate on yourself.


career leo weekly

Star 10/10

An economic downturn is no reason to let your fears run wild. Trust your instincts if you\re faced with a confusing situation. Your first thoughts are likely correct. Criticism from others can be difficult to accept. Feeling micromanaged can make you feel stressed or suffocated. Do your best to be cheerful no matter what comes. Helping people laugh will have a powerful and positive influence on co-workers or customers.


career leo monthly

Star 8/10

A business obligation will be satisfied around August 7, allowing you to move on to bigger and better things. Use this achievement to attract the kinds of daring and enthusiastic clients you desire. Youll have a chance at the beginning of August to work with cultured and tasteful people who bring out the best in you. By the time August 21 arrives, you will have earned the fame and acclaim you deserve. If youve ever wanted to start your own business, go for it. Make sure to integrate your name in the title of the enterprise. People are eager to work with you.



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